Traditional Potion for Impotence

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Impotence is one part of erectile dysfunction. This disease is really a very sad situation for men who experience it. Because he will not be able to carry out sexual activities naturally. The hallmark of impotence is not resilient enough when coitus occurs, or sometimes his penis can not be hardened when making out or when going to have sex. Not infrequently the marriage to be destroyed because of this disease.

If you include men who have problems with impotence or impotence, you can try the ingredients and following traditional recipes, God willing, within one month of your illness can be cured.

As for the traditional ingredients were:

     15 grams fennel pulosari.

     2 chicken eggs, taken yellow only.

     25 grains of black pepper.

     1 tablespoon honey.

     3 cloves of garlic.

Pepper or black pepper ground into a fine, and then ground into a fine garlic together with pulosari. Combine the pepper that has been ground into a powder with pulosari and garlic finely, mix two egg yolks of chicken (chicken should be, not the domestic chicken), and blend until smooth, then put a tablespoon of honey. This honey honey should also be original, but if there are no dates can also use honey. After the stir eat until they run out every morning. Within 1 week will already be visible results. But this herb should be eaten every morning for a month. Completely new sexual activity can be increased to recover as it deserves.

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